Top Ten Pre Workouts for 2019
by Scott Shaw
January 02, 2019
The top ten pre-workouts for 2019 are in. The boost is what we crave, the crash is what we fear. Let us help take some of the testing out of your regime and show you our top picks for pre-workout supplements. Our top 10 are based off of both performance increases and value. The price to gain ratio is something that shouldn’t be messed with, we know. After all, your supplements prices get added together and it gets pretty pricey! Our favorites are a combination of quality with no transparent ingredients so you know exactly what is going into your body.
The best pre-workouts are judged on a scale of 1-10 and are based off:
Pump Intensity
User Feedback
And Value
10.) Promise you won’t judge, but on a personal note, sometimes straight caffeine gets the job done. If you are new to the gym life, boost your mental game without the added chemicals and throw some caffeine in your pre-workout regime. GENIUS CAFFEINE comes in decently easy-to-swallow pills that helps your mind stay in the game even after your workout! Take a few capsules about 30 minutes before warm up and feel the continued focus for about a total of 3 hours. I wouldn’t suggest these for late night workouts just because it keeps you alert for a while! 100 caps for roughly $15 and a money back guarantee makes it easy to experiment with these little guys.
Pump Intensity - 2/10
Taste - 10/10 (no flavor)
Endurance - 8/10
User Feedback - 8/10
Value - 7/10
9.) It's a personal favorite for the days you don’t want to smash your face into the wall. NITRO SURGE has been in our routine for the past year or so. The energy boost isn’t as high as some of the other competitors, but the surge still pushes your body further than in you would go to the gym without any supplements. Some reviewers state they get a little flushed in the face, but this has never been a case to us. You may get some butterflies in your stomach, but this is quickly replaced by power that lasts about an hour. Oh yeah, roughly $20 for 30 servings? Its an easy addition to your workout!
Pump Intensity - 4/10
Taste - 7/10
Endurance - 7/10
User Feedback - 7/10
Value - 8/10
8.) Our next pre workout to make the top ten is a little less known, but man does it kick some booty into shape. Not saying its all about price, but 30 servings for under $20 is always worth a try! The Six Star Explosion Pre Workout is something you should have in your routine for a multitude of reasons. The top though is the combination of ingredients like ultra-premium beta-alanine, creatine monohydrate, arginine AKG and some clean caffeine anhydrous. I wish I could be more technical, but sometimes it is better to try it compared to over analyzing it! Also, the Six Star Explosion comes in 4 different flavors that are actually all good, with our personal favorite being fruit punch. Gain some extreme energy, focus and pump without a crash. Prepare for some warm and fuzzy feelings in your face as the pre workout creeps into your veins and makes you some sort of super powered human for about an hour.
Pump Intensity - 6/10
Taste - 8/10
Endurance - 8/10
User Feedback - 8/10
Value - 7/10
7.) Need a Big Boost? Try adding 200 mg of caffeine and some large quantities of creatine to your workout. MP ASSAULT Pre Workout does just that and boy did they get the combination right! The energy boost for us was HUGE hit. Its nice though, no jitters, just some clean energy with a nice buzz that helps get out extra reps and push yourself further than you thought possible. Go from zero to hero with only one scoop! The only downside is the size of the packaging. Its a little big with a lot of empty space that puts on the illusion of a short changed purchase, but have no fear, there is the full 30 servings waiting to make you a beast!
Pump Intensity - 7/10
Taste - 7/10
Endurance - 8/10
User Feedback - 8/10
Value - 7/10
6.) What would a review of pre workouts be without some Cellucor C4 in here? This pre workout is tried and tested and proven to be very effective! Mind you, if you have been taking it for some time, it may not live up to the hype, but for some newbies out there, this will get the job done faster than you can spell Schwarzenegger. Adds some considerable pump and boosts your energy way more than without a pre workout. Mind you though, your body will get used to this after a couple months, so if you do go with C4, make sure you have some other pre workout in mind for when the c4 explosions turn to little black cats. C4 packs a punch with 150 mg of caffeine and 1600 mg of beta-alanine, so you will most likely feel the power in your face and limbs with some fuzzy tingles and a nice little booster to get your day going strong! Again, there is a reason so many people know the name of C4… It works, and it works well! Its definitely a safe bet, and if you haven’t tried it, now is the best time! Try the Icy Blue Razz, it is delicious!

Pump Intensity - 7/10
Taste - 8/10 (Icy Blue Razz)
Endurance - 8/10
User Feedback - 7/10
Value - 7/10
5.) N.O. XPLODE Pre Workout. Its like a punch in the face with a swift kick to your muscles. I personally felt the increase In strength to be way better than most of the other pre workouts out there, and thats pretty much what a pre workout is for! The only downside is the transparency of ingredients. It is hard to judge the quantity of ingredients due to their proprietary blend. For example, Thermic Energy is a combination of 5 ingredients to make up 1.3 grams. I would much prefer the label show exactly how much caffeine I am putting into my body. BUT, the increase strength is worth the scary unmeasurable details! Get jacked, and especially get ready to yell. The boost hits your body in ways that makes you want to run marathons and punch walls, in that order! This is not for the feeble, weak minded, new to lifting kind of people though, unless you are ready to become a legend.
Pump Intensity - 8/10
Taste - 8/10 (Fruit Punch)
Endurance - 9/10
User Feedback - 8/10
Value - 8/10
4.) Become an Alpha with the ALPHA Gx7 Pre Workout. This is a winner in terms of quickness! No lie, this pre workout kicks you in the face within about 10 minutes. Just about enough time to pound it down, change, warm-up, then hit the plates. We got a typical 2-3 more reps per set over no pre workout at all. The only downside with this supplement is the dissolve-ability. It tends to leave some residue, but it helps add a little flavor for when you refill your bottle with some water. The watermelon flavor is off the charts and this makes you feel like a God in the gym. Beware, it does contain a healthy dose of Beta-Alanine with may make you feel a tingle, but the tingle is reminding your body to put in that extra effort and it packs a punch that will keep you going strong for your workout with virtually NO CRASH. Its a little more expensive, but worth it if you are serious about your gains. The energy boost is real folks, this is a big time winner to step your game up!
Pump Intensity - 8/10
Taste - 9/10
Endurance - 8/10
User Feedback - 9/10
Value 9/10
The top 3… They better be good right! Lets start by saying, they are.
3.) If you have the cash to burn, make sure you spend it on a product that will get you results you are looking for! At 20 servings for roughly $40, the VINTAGE BLAST Pre Workout powder will deliver that boost you are paying for. This brand always delivers and there is no exception with their pre workout powder. There is less caffeine than competitors at only 150 mg and only 1000 mg of beta-alanine for those who are sensitive to the chemicals. Essentially, you will not have to worry as much about feeling the tingles and flush face as much as some of the other guys out there. It's a pro and con at the same time, but the pumps are strong and it lasts as a strong boost for about 45 minutes with another 45 minutes of a clean comedown. This pre workout has been designed to become a ritual in your routine and should continue to deliver results no matter how long you have been taking it. Sometimes you get what you pay for, and at over twice the price of the competition, you are getting some good powder!

Pump Intensity - 8/10
Taste - 9/10
Endurance - 8/10
User Feedback - 9/10
Value - 9/10
2.) Newer to the market then most of the others here, Evlution Nutrition ENGN Pre Workout is a break through. Just to start, 2,000 mg of creatine, 1,600 mg of beta-alanine and 300 mg of caffeine makes you seriously jacked. If you take this without going to the gym, you will start finding heavy things to pick up as many times as you can. The world becomes your oyster while you are on this wild N.O. ride. The price is amazing and so is the blue razz flavor. This was a hard choice for second place because we really like it. If you have low tolerance, you will probably be good with a half scoop, making it an extraordinary value the money, and even if you have a high tolerance, you will still be good with a single scoop! The company that sells this also offers a 30 day money back guarantee, so if its literally not the best thing that has happened to you, send it back and get some of our number 1 favorite! We noticed a nice 3-4 additional reps per set with ENGN pre workout, and a clear focus to deliver those extra sets. Its like you can feel each muscle working on a microscopic level. Its just a flat out amazing pre workout!

Pump Intensity - 10/10
Taste - 9/10 (Blue Razz)
Endurance - 10/10
User Feedback - 9/10
Value - 10/10
1.) The moment you have been waiting for is here. Our number 1, the pre workout that dreams are made of; The monster V12 of muscle gains, the Don Perignon of pre workout liquid, and the literal can of whoop ass. Legion’s PULSE Pre Workout is hands down, the favorite here in the office and gym. You are loading your body with 350 mg of caffeine and 4,800 mg of beta-alanine! Talk about an end all to looking for a pre workout! Serving size is 2 scoops, but if you aren’t looking to tear the equipment from the ground, try only 1 scoop and make the 20 servings go a lot further! To be completely honest, if you are new to pre workouts, you may be able to get away with only a 1/2 scoop making this not only the BEST Tasting, but also the BEST Value! Get extra reps, have mental clarity while you do it, and still have some extra energy and strength to do it again. No jitters, no crash, and only takes about 15 minutes for the hulk juice to kick in. Be prepared for your mind to stay alert for a few hours though, that caffeine is no joke folks!

Pump Intensity - 10/10
Taste - 10/10 (Fruit Punch) <- Tastes like sour straws
Endurance - 10/10
User Feedback - 9.5/10
Value - 10/10
There it is ladies and gentlemen! We hope that we may help your next purchase a little easier and do us a solid and if you are interested in buying a pre workout sometime soon, use one of our links so we can get a little commission for the pointer in the right direction! I would love to hear your thoughts and reactions to these pre workouts, be sure to leave a comment below to let us know what you think.
Did we miss your favorite? We love trying new supplements, so please let us know your favorite in the comment section below and lets see if it makes the top 10!
As we say at RAW Built Tech: May your days be filled with happiness and protein (and some killer pre workout!).
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Scott Shaw